UNASO with financial support from UNDP held a stakeholders meeting to discuss issues that were raised during the Community dialogues at Ochero Health Center III and Kaberamaido Health Center IV.
Ms. Sylvia Nakasi, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer of UNASO, informed the participants about issues affecting the quality service delivery in Ochero and Kaberamaido health center. The issues included lack of safe water, lack of transport, no Primary Health Care funds at Ochero Health Center for a year, inadequate accommodation for staff, no uniforms for health workers and sign posts at Kaberamadio health center IV, lack of beds in Ochero general ward and many others.
Ms. Sylvia Nakasi, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer of UNASO reminding participants about the Community Scorecard that was done in 2013. Photo/Esther Namirimu |
Mr. Francis Oluka, Chief Administrative Officer, said that the district leaders are doing their best to improve health service delivery in Kaberamaido; medical equipment was procured and 8 beds will be delivered to Ochero health center III in two weeks time.
Kaberamaido Health center IV is going to be upgraded to Hospital status. The government gave the district Ugx700m to renovate and build more buildings at the facility. The facility is now fenced from the general community and more staff have been recruited.
Mr. Francis Oluka, Chief Administrative Officer of Kaberamaido district. Photo/Esther Namirimu |
Salim Kumakech, Resident District Commissioner of Kaberamaido, said that he has been following the work done by Kaberamaido district network in the HIV response and he is proud of it.
He noted that district's prevalence is higher than the national prevalence. He appealed to concerned partners to work with government and fight HIV and AIDS.
"Health centers need to continuously support people working in ART clinics especially in Ochero, Arau and Otuboi," he added.
Mr. Salim Kumakech, District Resident Commissioner of Kaberamaido district. Photo/Esther Namirimu |
Emmy Ejuku, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, said that most people in Kaberamaido depend on subsistence farming and therefore there is a challenge of poverty. Young girls drop out of school at the age of 14 years and find themselves in trading centers like Otuboi selling their bodies to truck drivers.
Mr. Moses Odeke, Finance and Programme Coordinator of Kaberamaido District Network. Photo by Esther Namirimu |
Regina Omolo- retired nurse addressing participants. Photo/Esther Namirimu |
UNASO Team meeting the Chief Administrative Officer of Kaberamaido. Photo/Esther Namirimu.
Story written by Esther Namirimu | Communications Officer | UNASO